The formation of a government continues to proceed rather slowly. While there have already been constructive exploratory ...
They save lives, track down criminals and are sharp weapons: There are currently 25 police dogs on duty in Tyrol. Service dog ...
The 200th clash between Sturm and GAK will take place next Saturday at the Merkur Arena (5pm). After last year's serious ...
At their summit on Thursday, the EU heads of state and government reaffirmed their continued financial support for war-torn ...
Four acquittals were handed down on Thursday at Innsbruck Regional Court in the trial against four nurses who allegedly ...
Agonizing itching on the head is the main symptom of a head lice infestation. After the start of the school and kindergarten ...
Die EU-Staats- und -Regierungschefs bekräftigten bei ihrem Gipfel am Donnerstag ihre weitere finanzielle Unterstützung der ...
Am kommenden Samstag steigt in der Merkur Arena (17 Uhr) das 200. Duell zwischen Sturm und GAK. Nach den schweren ...
Im Prozess gegen vier Krankenpfleger, die eine Arbeitskollegin Ende Februar 2023 im Landeskrankenhaus Hall in Tirol auf einem ...
Nach der Pleite-Meldung seines Geschäfts in Grieskirchen trat Adolf Seifried als Gremialobmann des Autohandels der ...
Following the bankruptcy of his business in Grieskirchen, Adolf Seifried resigned as chairman of the car dealership committee ...
Wie aus einem bislang geheimen Papier hervorgeht, plant das Land NÖ offenbar die Schließung mehrerer Spitäler und Stationen.